Glory Suite
The Glory Suite has a deluxe living room to offer the best choice for businessman and VIP guests. It features an independent lounge and one may savor a cup of coffee from the Nespresso coffee machine. The 55” LCD television conforms to all demands whether it is entertaining guests, enjoying television programs or having a conference call. The spacious room is equipped with two independent bathing facilities, where the specially chosen white oak floor imported from Europe further demonstrates prestige and uniqueness.
- 設施:
- 55吋液晶電視、多媒體連接器、Mini bar、Nespresso膠囊咖啡機、煮水器、大金空調系統、無線網路(WLAN)、高速上網線路(LAN)、免費寬頻無線上網等
- 設備:
- 冰箱、冰桶、保險箱、羽絨枕、化纖枕、防螨羽絨被、專利高彈力彈簧床墊
- 衛浴介紹:
- 壁掛式馬桶、乾濕分離淋浴間與浴缸、寶格麗沐浴用品、緹花浴巾、環保刷柄牙刷、吹風機
- 1 double bed
- Area: 80, 86 square meters
- Rate: NT$20,000+10%
- 房型人數:2人(標準入住人數)
- 隨房附贈:礦泉水、阿里山高山烏龍茶、紅茶、咖啡包
- 其他服務:洗衣服務、晨喚服務
- GABA茶包:可以抑制或阻斷神經細胞過度興奮,讓我們的身心靈呈現寧靜、平和及放鬆狀態。
- 阿里山高山茶包:茶區位於海拔1000-2000米之間,因為高山氣候涼冷、新葉成長緩慢,葉片豐潤、渾厚、細嫩、果膠質含量高,茶齡年輕,完全人工採茶。茶湯色澤翠綠鮮活,滋味甘潤醇厚,回甘韻足。