Excellence Suite
Independent lounge facilities offer a sense of home-style comfort while staying in the hotel. The classical sofa complemented by the mobile sliding 55” LCD television introduces a modern sentiment to the elegant atmosphere, whereas the vertical wooden separation between the lounge and the bedroom provides the ability to penetrate the space, yet preserves privacy. Special wooden floors are chosen, where simple contours are applied to create exquisite and soft design with unique charisma. This is the best portrayal of fashion and high living quality.
- 設施:
- 55吋液晶電視、多媒體連接器、Mini bar、煮水器、大金空調系統、無線網路(WLAN)、高速上網線路(LAN)、免費寬頻無線上網等
- 設備:
- 冰箱、冰桶、保險箱、羽絨枕、化纖枕、防螨羽絨被、專利高彈力彈簧床墊
- 衛浴介紹:
- 壁掛式馬桶、乾濕分離淋浴間或ARTO浴缸、寶格麗沐浴保養用品、緹花浴巾、環保刷柄牙刷、吹風機
- 1double bed
- Area: 40 square meters
- Rate: NT$7,000+10%
- 房型人數:2人(標準入住人數)
- 隨房附贈:礦泉水、阿里山高山烏龍茶、紅茶、咖啡包、迎賓禮
- 其他服務:洗衣服務、晨喚服務
- GABA茶包:可以抑制或阻斷神經細胞過度興奮,讓我們的身心靈呈現寧靜、平和及放鬆狀態。
- 阿里山高山茶包:茶區位於海拔1000-2000米之間,因為高山氣候涼冷、新葉成長緩慢,葉片豐潤、渾厚、細嫩、果膠質含量高,茶齡年輕,完全人工採茶。茶湯色澤翠綠鮮活,滋味甘潤醇厚,回甘韻足。